Sep 11, 2023

The Simple Facebook Posting Strategy That Helped Us Double Our Reach And Engagement

Social media gurus noticed a dramatic decline in organic Facebook interactions. A recent study revealed that less than 4% of Facebook users see your updates on their newsfeed whenever you

The Simple Facebook Posting Strategy That Helped Us Double Our Reach And Engagement

Social media gurus noticed a dramatic decline in organic Facebook interactions. A recent study revealed that less than 4% of Facebook users see your updates on their newsfeed whenever you post. The revelation got us thinking of formulating a Facebook posting strategy that could double our reach and engagement without resorting to paying to promote our posts.A steady but palpable shift in most social media algorithms and the arrival of brand advertising on Facebook spelt two things; we start exploring or continue to witness a slump in our organic engagement and reach.Here are the numbers to prove how difficult it is to get your content viewed on Facebook. Every twenty minutes:

  • Users share one million links
  • Up to 4.86m photos are uploaded
  • There are 763,888 status updates posted

We reduced our posting frequency and focused on quality rather than quantity. The results were magnificent and beyond what the most optimistic media manager could anticipate.We began by showing off our company and the personnel that work hard to keep us running. We dubbed the process brand personality, and it includes three steps.

Step 1: Staff Recognition

The "brand personality" initiative is all about telling the outside world of the people behind the scenes. Before altering our social media marketing efforts, a couple of likes for our Facebook posts would be deemed sufficient. However, we convened a staff meeting and agreed to feature our hardworking associates to the social media followers.We started by profiling one staff member each week not only on their daily routine at the office but their remarkable personality.The resulting feedback from our followers was just incredible. We realized this kind of content provided an excellent opportunity for the company and recognized the effort of our personnel towards growing the business.

Step 2: Show Off Your Services In A Creative Manner

An article by Ad Age discussed the matter of dynamic ad creation. The report pointed out that ads adopting standard photos experienced a mere 2.35% click-through rate. Compare that to the 8% click-through rate experienced by Instagram type shots.Ingeniously flaunting your brand via images is a crucial factor on social media today. We took our time to invest in pictures of our products and services with an aim to convey a message with each of them. Our interactions hit the roof.Another example of how Instagram kind of photos boosts engagement is the success of an Austin based luxury apartment firm. The company began posting Instagram kind of pictures, fully aware they'd bode well for their target audience. Posting filtered photos with witty captions boosted their interactions on both social media and across web platforms.Grab your camera and take stunning pictures to show what your enterprise is all about. One thing is sure; you'll be viewed as trendy which is a rather strong selling point.

Step 3: Have Fun While At It

We had one member of staff take random pictures throughout a day to air the kind of work we engage in on a daily basis. We concentrated on action shots instead of posed photographs to project we always have a great time during work hours.Currently, we've over 100 pictures we can use as posts on our social media platforms. We upload one or two of these images weekly, and they always pick up the most engagement, especially on Facebook. Drawing up the new Facebook posting strategy took us a few morning hours, but it remains the spine of our digital marketing strategy.If you are a company or agency aiming to boost reach and engagement follow the above "Brand Personality" plan to make your Facebook efforts worthwhile.

Our Prevailing Facebook Posting Strategy

Let's delve a little bit into the matter of the content involved in our approach. The change to our posting strategy began with the following counter-intuitive realization:"Although our content may be intriguing, not every post suits Facebook."This realization was hard for us as we desired to share the great stuff on our blogs. However, it became clear it had a negative effect on our content on all platforms. Consequently, we enacted a rule-of-thumb query to aid in deciding what to post on our Facebook page:Entertainment + Educational = Edu-tainmentIn general, the most popular posts on Facebook are broadly categorized as Edu-tainment. Meaning they are educational or entertaining. For instance, frivolous GIFs fall in the entertainment category whereas infographics fall in the educational category.In our view, the best posts blend the education and entertainment traits.

Focusing On Engagement And Brand Awareness

Fixating on engagement and brand awareness versus directing traffic to our site became the backbone of our approach.A shift occurred in the majority of social media platforms in the last few years. Businesses and brands would post blogs' links and watch the traffic flow to their website. While this may remain the case for some account managers, savvy marketers focus on interaction.Posting content with an aim to bolster engagement helps establish an active Facebook audience.

Bottom Line

Whether you're a company or agency looking to increase interaction on your behalf or clients' behalf, follow the above three stages of creating a "Brand Personality" plan and the outcome will be remarkable.The above guideline applies to Facebook post strategy for new businesses that may not have much of a large audience but wishes to grow their reach organically.


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