Apr 2, 2024

How to Get New Followers to Read Your Blog

It can be very depressing for a novice blogger to work extremely hard at writing high-quality content, and taking care of all the little details associated with blogging, only to

How to Get New Followers to Read Your Blog
How to Get New Followers to Read Your Blog

It can be very depressing for a novice blogger to work extremely hard at writing high-quality content, and taking care of all the little details associated with blogging, only to find out that your reach is not nearly what you had hoped for. Assuming that you do provide information of value to readers, and that you have a well-written blog in the first place, there are definitely some ways which you can attract more readers, and establish a much larger following for your blog.

Use outreach posts

If you haven't heard about outreach posts, these are blogs which can bring in a whole new audience to your blogs, because they reach out to a new audience which is very similar to yours. There are firms established which provide blogger outreach services by writing original content which is in the same general area of information you provide to your readers. These writers will follow your specifications, and then post the article on their company website, with links to your blog.

How to Get New Followers to Read Your Blog

This in effect, will often be read by a brand-new audience which you previously had no access to, but which is now being referred to your blog or your website. Anyone who reads the blog posted by the outreach service will then have an opportunity to find your blog as well, and read the related material which you have been posting all along. The key here is to make sure that any blogger outreach service you choose writes articles in the same general category which you are writing about. If this is not the case, any readers of that host article won't be interested in clicking on the link which takes them to your website.

Bolster your following on social media

You can consider social media to be the newest marketplace for bloggers, and it has become more and more important for any blog to be promoted on social media, even if the blog already has a large following. Since there is such a huge audience attached to most social media platforms, there's a good chance that any references to your blog posted on social media will be seen, and hopefully acted upon. While it's not really a good idea to post on all social media platforms because of the over-exposure aspect, you should definitely post on at least two platforms.The ones you choose should be those platforms where most of your readers hang out and spend a lot of time, because that means like-minded readers will also be using those platforms. Make sure to keep your blog content fresh and of high quality, because any post you make on social media which attracted new readers, should give them something informative and of value to read about. If you fail to deliver on this, then it won't matter how much you try to bolster your following on social media.

Network with partner bloggers

How to Get New Followers to Read Your Blog

One of the most important things you can do as a blogger to bolster your following, is to interact with a good number of other bloggers, even if they don't have the same interests as you. Peers who have read your blog and appreciate the quality of your material may reference you in their own blogs, and direct readers to your site.This can generate a great deal of traffic for you, and it can be a terrific way of boosting your readership. You will likely end up with a great many more followers, and probably an increased level of engagement as well. You may even form long-lasting relationships as a result of networking with fellow bloggers, so there are benefits to be had from adopting this approach, which go beyond the professional advantages of it.

Build a blog subscriber landing page

Persuading visitors to subscribe to your blog can easily be accomplished when you use a dedicated opt-in landing page. If you haven't used one of these before, it's a page whose sole purpose is to persuade people to sign up on your email list and become a contact. The opt-in page will always describe the benefits users will obtain by subscribing to your blog, it will explain the kind of content they can expect to receive, as well as the frequency of email blogs, and it will detail any bonuses they will receive for becoming a subscriber.

How to Get New Followers to Read Your Blog

It's very important that you write concise and clear copy for your blog subscriber landing page, because you don't want to create in confusion in the mind of a possible subscriber. In fact, it's much better to avoid any kind of detail or complications, and stick to a very simple page which clearly delivers the information described above. Once you've established your blog subscriber landing page, make sure to promote it in your blog and on social media, so that people won't have any trouble finding it.

Use guest appearances

Piggybacking onto other bloggers' subscribers can be another very effective way of increasing your readership, and getting new subscribers to your blog. There are a great number of very popular blogs online which welcome guest bloggers to their sites, in order to offer fresh content to their readers. Once you've researched their guidelines for guest posting, you should be able to write a high-quality article which demonstrates your knowledge and expertise in your particular niche.They may even allow you to insert a link to your own website within the article, and if that's the case, make sure you include a link which has been optimized to get you the maximum number of subscribers once they visit your site. This should probably be your blog subscriber landing page, or some other kind of opt-in page which will be more effective than simply linking to your overall website.If you can't include links within the main body of your article, you should still be allowed to include one in your author biography. While you're describing your background, you can also include a call-to-action to visit your opt-in landing page.

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